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Monthly Maintenance Plans

Find one that works for your business

  • Basic Maintenance

    Every month
    Website Only
    • *Minor Adjustments to website -Images, Text changes
    • *Priority Service - Requested tasks completed with in 24-48
    • *Assist with any troubleshooting that may come up.
    • **Autopay required.
    • Rate locked in for 12 months.
    • Approximately 1-1.5 hours of work per month.
  • Advanced Maintenance

    Every month
    Website, Marketing & Communications
    • Adjustments to website -Content, Text changes, Image Editing
    • Marketing Plan Strategy- Events, Promotions, email marketing
    • Graphic designing- Image Editing
    • Priority Service - Requested tasks completed ( 12-24 hrs)
    • Text editing and review
    • Communication monitoring.
    • Google Analytics Review - Marketing advisement.
    • Rate locked in for 12 months.
    • Approximately 3-4 hours per month.
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